Monday 23 March 2015

Stephen- Evaluation Question 4

Designated audience for the Thriller

We have decided that our film will be centred upon both genders of ages 15 to 24, seeing as they are the most popular demographic for the thriller genre. Read on for further information:


The gender our film is designed for is a mixed feeling. Gender is a vital part on who to attract to view our film; if the focus is on one and it doesn't appear to be what they expected then that's half a market gone; and the other half weren't interested to begin with. 

For females the genre they typically go for would be a romance, adventure, or comedy. They will often steer clear of mature rated thrillers, though that doesn't mean they won't be curious about it. To make a thriller appeal to a wide gender audience you would require a mix of romance and domesticated scenes; also comedic style, to make a mature thriller appealing.

However, with a romance subplot or with characters with a comedic side, a girl would likely watch the film as it isn't too emotionally heavy.

For males, I have found that they will often prefer thriller storylines, whereas females stray away from that genre. Below shows recent film releases, their rated age and the gender which will likely watch it: 

What can be seen on the above image is how most, if not all, thriller genres are aimed at males. 

However, that doesn't mean females won't watch them:
Taken 2
The figures shown in Taken 2 show that there's an almost even amount of males and females who watched the film; though it was mostly marketed for males.


The age we are mostly looking at would be 15-24 year olds; the older generation may not find the film appealing due to the nature of the story line, and younger viewers would likely be scared of the film. 

The 15-24 year old age range allows users to see gore; something that a large amount of this age range like; they can hear rude language- another thing most people in the age range enjoy. It gives the most freedom to show something, and also gives the viewers what they wanted to watch. In making it a 15-24 age range, you will avoid disappointing viewers with it's 'family friendliness'

1 comment:

  1. Can you state the target audience by age, social class, lifestyle/Thriller interests and gender clearly at the top? Then go on to explain further.Try to avoid generalising about female audiences and Thrillers - some do appeal to women, but there are different sub-genres with different audiences.
