Monday 23 March 2015

Nigel - Evaluation Question 1

There are many conventions which we could have added into our thriller opening to connote that it is a thriller. Firstly, a convention we planned from the start to use was the scratch. It helps show that people can be harmed in violence, setting the mood of the whole sequence. The police tape clearly shows 'Police line do not cross' which suggests that it is crime based, this could help suggest that it is going to involve violence and perhaps murder. The next image shows a conflict between two people, this can create suspense because it isn't clear who will win, usually not leading in a death. The setting is a isolated place, which is just like most thriller, for example the Fargo snow area's opening. The enigma is created by camerawork which shows restricted narration. An example in the thriller opening of this is the mysterious feet which you don't find out who they belong to yet, the same effect is done when you first see the assailants feet, a few shots later he is shown from behind, so you cannot see him clearly again. The title that is placed next to an object is similar from one thriller opening that I researched, Identity. More enigma is created when the assailant and Susan are hidden, only sound reveals them. The camera focuses on the light switch instead. The setting of the graveyard is ominous and connotes death, it is a good setting. This is a convention of a thriller, because of the setting has to be uncomfortable for the audience. The title has fog surrounding it, this is similar to the Fargo as it makes the Title seem more mysterious.

These are the examples from real thrillers, just like the examples that I have got from thriller opening that my group created. The conventions are shown in each image, the facial expressions, body language, colour, the settings etc. Fargo is a good example of an isolated setting, especially as the title sits on top of the nearly unclear background. The identity title as it has a close up next to a piece of text. The costumes used in the examples can suggest the characters role in the narrative, importance, class and even mood. The two characters on the Shutter Island image dressed in suit-like costumes seem of great importance. Just like the thriller opening, kill bill didn't release much information about the antagonist. Bill is behind the view of the camera, creating enigma circling around his story.  

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