Monday 23 March 2015

Nigel - Evaluation Question 4

The audience for our media product could be said to be males. This could be debated because there are aspects for both genders in our thriller opening. The protagonist is obviously male which can help target the male audience because it makes it easier to relate to. The gender is important to decide what to include and decide what characters to involve. We have several female characters, Susan and Rachel in the thriller, shown in the opening and important in the films narrative. This could help to reach out to the female audience, although they aren't the protagonist of the story. As shown by this website, Pearl and dean, females do not like the type of opening we were aiming to create so we had to develop on this, making sure we aimed for males.

Also its debatable that the thriller opening has a set age audience but we tried to implement conventions to narrow it down to one. The age we targeted could be young adults because of the certificate that we aiming to focus for. There was no excessive blood or gore, which helped to keep this around that age rating. There is weapons planned later on in the films plot so the opening shows that there is a hint of violence. There is a film called 'The gunman' which is aimed at males 15-24 year old males, this shows that guns and weapons are a convention of a males film. The fact that this film is also aimed at 15-24 year old males helps us compare the thriller opening to a action/thriller. As guns connote violence and we used violence in our opening.  

1 comment:

  1. Write the question out for each entry. This needs clarity - social class? See Stephen's answer for comments - they're very similar.
