Monday 23 March 2015

Stephen- Evaluation Question 3

What kinds of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

With the ever-changing process of viewing media, it would seem that choosing a source of distribution that goes straight to the internet viewing platforms would be the way to get the most viewers. With cinema tickets rising to the price higher than a months subscription on some internet services it turns out to be cheaper watching online;

And the average amount of people going to cinemas is drastically dropping once again:

It would seem appropiate for a brand new production comapny to get ahead of the curve; avoiding the areas where people will likely avoid going to in this time and age. In that, we look to the current forms of media and the ones best suited for the viewing of films:
  • In 2014, 38 million adults (76%) in Great Britain accessed the Internet every day, 21 million more than in 2006, when directly comparable records began.
  • Access to the Internet using a mobile phone more than doubled between 2010 and 2014, from 24% to 58%.
  • In 2014, 74% of all adults bought goods or services online, up from 53% in 2008.

So, it looks like an internet broadcast would be the best option for a film- where a lot of people, mostly our target demographic, have access to it and it's cheaper than a cinema ticket- and less old school as a Television program.

An example of this at work; where a production comapany completely opts out, or is deciding whether or not to, is that or Rooterteeth's 'Lazer Team'- an internet based film company. Burnie Burns, the CEO of said company, had this to say about cinemas, and his movie: 

“We honestly don’t know! And we don’t know that it’s all that important any more. It’d be great for marketing certainly, but we’re reaching a point where people just want premium content, and those audiences will consume that content however they best see fit.”

Burns cites his own children as examples.
 “I’m not entirely sure they would know how to tune in to a television channel. They just don’t do that. The way they consume media is all through either an Xbox and the video on there, or an iPad. That’s it.”

Youtube, the 3rd most visited website, would be a great place to start uploading films to get a network of supporters. With Youtube, you can get money from ad-services that you put on your videos, a longer video means more opportunity for adverts to pop up- as you would be interrupted when watching a film on ITV. So, you can get an income from it- albeit a small, but with effort and more films being uploaded, you'd be making a small fortune. Additioanlly, you'd be cutting out the middle man- with no funds going to Cinema's or the Distribution of DVDs, you could use the saved money on the production of the film instead.

Being on the internet, social media would be the best course of action to get marketing; with people spreading news of the film via Facebook and Twitter, word will easily get around. A small screening could possibly happen at a local town hall, where anyone can view it and, in turn, they will spread the word.

Going to conventions is a must for any Youtube Up-loader; at conventions you'd meet your fans, and also gain new ones. Youtube Conventions will also give you a chance to speak about what you've been doing; an easy way to gain publicity is to do something so drastic as cutting out Cinemas and DVDs, and going straight to the 'Free' services such as youtube.

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