Monday 23 March 2015

Nigel - Evaluation Question 2

When looking at the representation of particular social groups in the thriller opening, Geoff stands out as a very vulnerable male character. The editing process and camerawork work in synergy to portray this. The out of focus shots and filters show exactly what he is feeling at all points of his existence on camera. This isn't like what males are usually like, Geoff is unstable mentally. This could make him seem somewhat weak. Men are usually shown as being heroic, brave and ruthless in some films and narratives. Geoff is shown by this by his body language, the actors performance and camerawork. His costume shows that he is in a mourning state, the black colours suggest this. There is a use of restricted narration, as the assailant is standing behind Geoff. This could suggest that Geoff is unaware of everything going around him because of his head is far away. Using the actor which was did (Ben) was also convenient on our behalf as he would be ambitious and work as a group. 

Susan doesn't have as much screen time as Geoff but is an important character. She is the victim of the Assailants, the mystery is why. She is involved in a heated fight where she is knocked down to the ground. Her costume makes her seem very casual, she was not expecting to have the conflict which she did. She is why Geoff is how he is, she is suggested to be weak as she is captured, without her Geoff would miss a chance to have character development. Susan is the whole point of the narrative, that Geoff will eventually find and rescue her. She is presented in a very stereotypical feminine way, wearing pink for a starter. This could suggest that Geoff and Susan are lovers as it is the typical boy and girl relationship, the fact is Geoff is shown mourning over her grave. 

The Assailant (Unnamed)
Not much is given away about the Assailant with the camerawork that we chose, it creates enigma behind the whole concept of the 'bad guy'. The fact it is a male doesn't really break the stereotype but his whole character is presented as being the opposite to Geoff. This is done by his body language and ability to smile, as if he knows that he has succeeded in victory.

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