Monday 23 March 2015

Nigel - Evaluation Question 5

The audience that we were aiming for was roughly a 12 rating for the certificate for the film, this doesn't mean that the audience couldn't be older; it is just what is included in the actual film. To attract this audience, we decided to have a younger actor and cast. The characters in the narrative aren't meant to see so old, but are meant to be around 20 years old. Although this isn't exactly 12+, it connects with the audience because they are still young. Geoff is a good example of this because he is the main protagonist, as shown in the thriller opening.  This wasn't just because a younger cast would be more accessible for us as a group but because of our target audience.  We could have got an older cast but this wouldn't help the younger audience to relate with the story. 

An attempt by us to get to a more male audience was adding action into the opening, but if we really wanted to appeal to that audience we could have added weapons, guns and more violence. After my research of all the thrillers, action and not, the weapons they used seemed to involve more firearms than sharp objects like knifes. Our opening thriller used nails as a weapon, as Susan hits the assailant, which shows a grave on his face, not quite gruesome blood but shows that there is a hint of violence. The police tape, again, helps us to target the audience who wish to be thrilled, suggesting that it is a crime thriller as the 'police line do not cross' stands out clearly.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm puzzled as to why you say the film's certificate would be 12? This would rule out much of the action expected in a Thriller. It also doesn't feel like a 12 to me, more of a 15. I think you should revisit this decision. Again, there needs to be much more detail of the separate elements targeting your audience, with evidence or reasons, with support from real Thriller texts. See Level 4 work on my blog.
