Friday 6 March 2015

Editing our Title

This is the start of our title creation and experiments. Here we have a zoom effect in an attempt to create the effect that we desired.

This is our final image; showing how short the title will appear for and a still image of how the title will pass through the frame. 

Due to a change in title name we had to change the title, making it "Absence" instead of "Trapped." We also changed the font, making the lettering more distinct and prominent. The spacing between the letters is also a representation of being trapped and isolated due to the space leaving the letters in solitude. The black background also reflects the darkness of being isolated; while also making the title much more distinct.
 We decided to add an ominous fog effect, making the title much more mysterious. The idea of fog is that it hides something, alongside Enigmas, they go hand-in-hand together. The fog creates an enigma- the audience wonders what is being hidden from them.
Finally, we added a zoom effect to make the title much more eye catching. The zoom makes the title disapear into the fog- being hidden by the ominisity of the fog, further enhancing the enigma.

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