Tuesday 3 March 2015

Body Language and Facial Expressions

Geoff: We will initially show Geoff as being weak; mourning and weeping over a grave- not typically a masculine thing to do. His facial expressions will also express said emotions; while his body language is always one of a man at a loss- he will fall to his knees and remain on the ground, clearly not showing the strength he needs to get up. This weakness will gradually disappear later in the plot, but in the opening his body language will display his weakness, whereas his facial expression will show the depth  of his sadness.

Susan: Through Susan's sequence we will see her as being a strong and yet scared character. her body language will show how fast she is running from the Assailant, and also how she fights the Assailant when they come face-to-face.  From her facial expressions we see a variety of emotions; though most reflect her as being independent and strong- not afraid of a fight. At one point we will see a sneer from her, before she is overpowered, which will also show her strength as a character.

The Assailant: We will show the assailant as a very strong character; but only in the physical sense. His body language is tall and proud; thinking he's above other people- again, he is in the physical sense. We will never see his eyes- so his true facial expressions will not be revealed, leaving them to the audience to think about, we will, however, see his mouth and surrounding areas. From this we can see a smirk and how he likes to fight; seeing the corner from a fight scene.

Rachel: Rachel's character is enigmatic; in doing so we will not see any distinctive features- her face, for example. The effect this will have on the audience will be a confusing one; we hope to get the audience wondering who this character is and how they effect the story. Through the rest of the plot we gradually reveal who this character is with clues. Because she is an enigmatic character, and not one we want to reveal too early, the only thing showing for her will be her legs and shoes. The shot with her legs will show her body language being scared, slow and lethargic (almost indifferent to the situation, though we know she is genuinely scared.)

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