Tuesday 10 February 2015

Thriller Props


Police duct tape. Bought from amazon.co.uk, this will serve as a barrier for Geoff to cross to access the crime scene, making the outlook of the situation realistic.

Red and white rose. Hand made, partly because we'll get the design that we wanted and also to make it durable, this will signify the relationship between Geoff and Susan- red being 'passion' and white meaning 'unity.' This will be placed on Susan's grave.

Rachel's shoes, these will be found on the ground during Geoff's investigation. |

Twig from a tree- this will be used for continuity- allowing the viewer to understand that the chase is happening ion the same place. Not a brought in prop from ourselves, but a prop found on scene. This is used to show that we will make sure continuity is followed, that whenever we take a shot we will make sure everything is the same or as it should be.

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