Tuesday 3 February 2015

Thriller Make Up

In our thriller opening, we need make up to create the individual characteristics for our characters we wanted. We can use this to create enigma around certain injuries and question how injured they are (are they dead for example). I attempted some of these which went fairly well, although at our skill of creating wounds, they would look better at a distance than in a close up. Experimenting with this will only improve this, allowing us to try other things to create the feelings we seek to. In our film opening, we want to create a scar/scratch down the Assailants face which will be easy to recreate on site and on the day, even at different locations. We also want to use make up when Susan is beaten down to the ground, but used to suggest her injuries could be fatal. 

There are many tutorials on YouTube which show you how to do a basic wound step by step. We can also can create cuts and wounds using trial and error, creating the perfect looking cut on camera. Using red marker, you can create a basic line then make it look more realistic using make up.
The materials we need for the complicated make up are also cheap and usually house hold items, like glue sticks, therefore easy to find.

1 comment:

  1. Good examples. Now try some experiments and post the results.
