Wednesday 11 February 2015

Film Synopsis

Beginning at a graveyard, Geoff Ffoeg was mourning over Susan’s death. While being upset, painful flashbacks occur, the pain suggested by his flinching. Between flashbacks he continues to talk to the grave. Each time the flashbacks occur, they begin to have decreased a gap between them. The flashbacks involve a girl running in woods. When she believes she has escaped, she runs into the assailant.  Geoff bellows and kneels in sadness at the graveyard. Susan, in the flashback, is hit down by the assailant. He also remembers when he examined the crime scene; his focused on stray sports jacket lying on muddy ground. A second person is revealed to been jogging with Susan. Geoff  completely breaks down at Susan’s grave. Then Susan is remembered bleeding in forest and suddenly breathing, suggesting that she is still alive. Assailant stands watching Geoff in the background, he is discovered to have a scar down his cheek. He walks away towards a dark flight of stairs. Door opens illuminating dark, dingy room. Susan can be heard screaming and crying. Assailant turns on light switch; Susan’s sounds become louder until they stop. Assailant turns off light switch. Cut to black and Title. End of opening

Continuation of Plot:

3 months later Geoff stumbles through his (and Susan's) house, reflecting on different photos of their time together which have been taken down and put in the attic. He mutters how he can’t believe she’s been gone for 6 months, and is still having trouble dealing with her death - even after all this time. He finds a picture of a friend of hers (Rachel) and wonders how he had never seen this one before, a picture of them in the forest where she went missing. Now with a plan, Geoff goes in search of Rachel. After several attempts to enter he breaks a window round the back. Geoff questions her on how she never came to police, Rachel is scared. Susan and her were chased when out jogging. Rachel begins to describe the assailant but gets shot and dies before she reveals vital information. Geoff decides to lay out a trap making it seem she’s still alive. After a failed attempt to capture the assailant, they come up with a different plan- see what Susan's parents say. Enter the conservative parents whom Susan hates and hasn't seen in years. After a violent conversation with the father of Susan; whilst the mother is quiet standing in his shadow. The mother pulls them aside after the confrontation and reveals information without the Father knowing. They are introduced with 3 new characters, Susan’s old friends who used to be close to Susan until they faded away, they all feel that Geoff was the reason that Susan became distant from them. The first friend, Benjamin, was her best friend and had lost his love a year before, although Susan was never there for him and made him feel jealous with Geoff. The second called Tyrone, a medical student; he is calm and reveals vital information about Freddy and why he might have reasons to commit the crime. Whilst visiting Freddy they have to chase him down along a busy street, just barely catching him. They all have incentives to have committed this terrible crime, revealed after visiting each one. She is shown as being in discomfort being in the same room as Freddy, causing Geoff to arrest him. Freddy denies everything, but is still arrested after the police found Susan’s jogging outfit in his house.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see this above, but I don't see either of the animatics -the most important part of your planning. This was due by last night. We can't give you permission to film at half term unless they're posted.
