Tuesday 3 February 2015

Thriller Costumes and Hair

Costumes and Hair

Each character in the opening has a different costume set; reflecting their individual characters and their day-to-day lives. We also show how significant the colour of each costume is.

For Susan, the primary female character, her clothing will be a colourful jogging outfit; a bright colour in the darkness that surrounds her. The outfit will also reflect her colourful personality. Her shoes will be typical running shoes; creating a feeling of empathy and relate ability with the audience. Her hair will be styled to be frantic and messy; showing how scared the character is.

Geoff will be wearing a somewhat dark, brown/grey outfit. The outfit will be a trench coat, an item of clothing detectives often wear- showing his job and how the job plays out in the story. He will also be wearing glasses, giving a stereotypical vibe for being clever, and deductive. This authoritative outfit will also give the character some power within the scene, as well as showing his masculinity. His hair will be styled elegantly to show his business like attitude.

The assailant will also be wearing a three piece suit with a cynical colour; the darkness of his suit will reflect the darkness of his personality. The darkness of his outfit will also show how there is mystery and will also show how the audience will be kept in the dark about who this person is. He will also be wearing a hat; most likely a fedora, showing a dangerous vibe- and we will only ever see a part of the characters face. His hair will be messy- the same as Susan- which will link the two together; both struggling with something in their lives which brought them to that position.

Rachel will be an enigmatic character; we will only ever see her shoes in the opening. The shoes themselves will be red jogging shoes; the red will show the danger and desire in this character; while the shoes themselves show her relation to the main character- they were both joggers. She will, however, not be wearing tracksuit bottoms- creating a confusing, enigmatic, situation which will undoubtedly confuse the viewer. In this case any facial expressions, hair and make-up will be invisible.


  1. Good justifications Stephen, and evidence of selection of mise en scene. Can you add some sample images now, and then add actual costumes in a separate post later (eg from the shoot?)

  2. How are the animatics going? These must both be on this blog by the end of Wednesday, You may need to meet outside lessons?
