Monday 16 February 2015

Thriller Casting Call

Our four characters are filled by three actors.

Geoff Ffoeg - Benjamin Mongardini

I will be fulfilling the central character role of the reclusive and cool Detective, Geoff. This was largely done for ease. I played a character in the previous Preliminary film and the character of Geoff was one that did not require any defining features such as height and body type. Just a guy, with a cool trench coat.

Susan Nasus - Izzy Trott

Izzy Trott is friend of mine that I know to be very determined on whatever she might be working on. Her character, Susan, is the one that will be running in the forest. This also makes her the target of the assailant. The reason I picked her is because she is around 5"2 in height and filming her at eye level would make taller people seem very intimidating.

Assailant - Joshua Wilson-Yelverton

Josh Wilson-Yelverton will fill the role of the Assailant or the Antagonist of the film. He won't have an official name as for the entire film we envisioned Geoff following clues and leads to find him. Not giving him a name helps to shroud him in an extra layer of mystery, at least to us. Josh is considerably taller than Izzy, coming up to 6 feet. This aids to amplify the effect I described with Izzy.

Rachel Lehcar - Stephen Griffin

Rachel is somewhat of a wildcard as it is not officially a character and only a mysterious foot that we added to create more enigma. Her main function as a character in the film is to show Geoff the way to possible suspects for the assailants. Her face will never be seen, only her feet. Because we had come up with Rachel as a name, we had the idea that Izzy would play this character, only with different shoes but in reality it can be absolutely anyone as long as it is clear (by the feet) that it is a different person.

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