Friday 16 January 2015

The script

~eerie, creepy music~

*College hallway, media dept.*

[Low key lighting throughout hallway with light in frame]

--Show fire exit sign, tilt down to reveal hallway--

--LS High, canted of hallway--

^C1 gingerly walks down hallway, visibly nervous^

--Cut / CU of C1’s hand turning door handle--

--Match on Action Cut opening door. BCU C2 left face, door in focus. Change focus as C2 speaks--

C2: “Did you get the package?”

--Cut to MCU of C1--

^C1 fidgeting, looking around at the floor^

--Cut to OTS of C1 facing C2, C2-- //C2 in suit + hidden in shadows

^C2 sits on spinny chair and swirls around looking at ceiling thinking^

[C1 walks forward to sit down on chair opposite]

--Cut to Close up of C1-- //shot-reverse-shot sequence begins

C1: “There was a… slight, complication…sir”

--Cut back--

C2: “How can there be a complication in such a trivial errand?”

--Cut back--

C1: “I’m sorry...I just couldn’t retrieve it.”

--Cut back--

C2: “You’ve failed me again! First with the cold air balloon, NOW THIS!!!”

--Zoomed to MS, low angle to show C2 standing up in anger

--pan from finger pointing  to a Balloon picture on wall camera shaking--

--Cut back--

C1: “I thought it would take off!”

--Cut, BCU of C2’s face--

^C2 glares at C1^

--Cut to OTS facing C1--

^C1 cowers^

--Cut MLS, Low of C2--

^C2 loses his cool*, throws/flips a chair. Looks down the table^

--Pan to follow C2’s eyes, reveal Simón--

--Cut to tracking shot MS of C2 walking to Simón--

--Match on action close up of Simón being man-handled--

--Cut to wide LS (showing both C1 & C2)--

^C2 throws Simón across room to C1^

Simón: “Squawk”

--Big Close up of Simón--

--Big close up of C1 at Eye level--

C1: “No! Not Simón.”

--Cut, POV of C1, see Simón falling--

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