Wednesday 14 January 2015


We used three separate sound tracks all taken from Incompetech, a royalty free music website. In total we used three different tracks

Bent and Broken ambience track with metallic clangs, rattles and constant underlying sound. We used it to start the film as it helped to set an eerie, uncomfortable setting. The track was timed so that it picked back up just when necessary. We also switched track to Unlight in the middle of the Shot-Reverse Shot sequence when the action began to pick up. Bent and Broken helped to set the mood but was too quiete for what was to come.


We used Unlight for only three shots but it was worth it. The track is like Bent and Broken in that it builds tension. The difference is that it's made with different percussion sounds (perhaps bongos) and kicks into gear 9 seconds into the track with a high pitch (I'd almost say strangled), constant violin. For this reason we used this track to indicate the peak of tension. "This JUST happened and nothing is going to be above that".

Volatile Reaction track was used to keep pace of the action and tension established by Unlight. Very much a pounding bass track, it has very strong and booming percussions and wind instruments (Timpani and trombone) that keeps it loud. We also used this track to increase the meaning of the action in the last few shots. It wasn't used for long but it was timed so that the trombones would kick in just as the 'weapon' is revealed. This, again brought emphasis.


We did more than just browse the internet, downloading music we could use without being sued for copyright. We took a voice recorder and recorded the credit music and bird noises for our prop. The credit music came to us by accident when Final Cut Pro played The Mexican hat song (El Jarabe Tapatío) instead of what we clicked on. Instead of using what may well have been someone elses project, we recorded it, acapella style. I performed the whole thing as I could reach a far higher pitch that we felt assisted with the comedic effect. We next recorded bird noises to give more life to our Angry Bird prop. We recorded for no more than a few minutes and in one take we made several different sqawks, chirps and squawks, all at various different lengths and pitches. In Final Cut we selected the best ones and cut them into the sequence. We used a total of three for revealed, prepared and flying. As a last minute decision, I decided to add a clap sound to show the  impact of the prop.