Tuesday 13 January 2015


We began shooting on the 10th of December at 2:45 pm and finished on the same day. We chose this day as this was the day we all finished lessons early in the day and we could stay back after the end of college.

To assure we have the most usable footage for the film, we made a sandwich every time the camera was turned on. The purpose of the sandwich is to increase the amount of usable footage by also increasing the waste footage. It begins by saying "Rolling. Speed. Action... Cut". Rolling to inform everyone that the camera is active. Speed to begin and sync any sound recording separate from the camera. Action to instruct the actors to begin. And when the scene is done, Cut to stop all processes. This gap before the start and after the end of filming (the crust) helps editors use the good footage (the filling) by having a silent gap.

Not every shot worked like clockwork. There were some we just had to keep doing over and over, and others we still didn't get right. So, we ended up with a lot of waste footage that will not be used in the final product. So one day, in the editing suite, when things were grinding down to a monotonous halt, Me (Ben), Stephen and Nigel decided to make a blooper reel.

So below is the evidence that this is only our first film. Below is the evidence that we are such bad film makers and that if we ever tried make a career in the field, this film would ruin it.


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