Wednesday 14 January 2015


Editing was actually surprisingly entertaining for me. I wouldn't know for Stephen and Nigel, but I ejoyed it. The act of putting together what some might reffer as, "Garbage", into something that is somewhat comprehensible.

Files in Final Cut Pro
Starting off the process we just looked through all the footage, selecting what we wanted and what worked. However, even in the clips we wanted there might be multiple takes and waste footage. So we used In & Out points to mark where what we wanted started and finished. This section was then moved into the sequence.
In & Out points

Clip overlays
For one shot in particular we found that the dialogue was not loud enough. To fix this, we took Final Cut Pro's pen tool and toggled clip overlays. This allows us to change the volume of any audio piece we select when and however much we want.
Clip overlays

This technique was also used to slowly drag the backing music (Crescendo) as we did not feel that a sudden jump from one type of music to another provided seamlessness we wanted.

Our credits are simple and clear cut. A text bar set to scroll upwards. In it we included the name of our film (Angry meal) and who was involved in its production (actors, behind the camera roles etc.)

Additional cut
All of the transitions are simple cuts with the exception of the fade in at the end of the credits to show the end image. For two shots in particular, we had planned to have a fast pan to really emphasise what were panning to. What we found is that it is extremely difficult to snap from one subject to another accurately. What we then decided to do is to cut inbetween the pan, where the video is just a blurred mess. What we did is record the first subject as standard and panned towards the second subject at the speed we wanted. Then, in a different take we snapped from any random point in the room to the second subject, making sure we had the blurred mess before the subject. The end result is that when the pan begins the blur is hiding the cut to a different shot that stops right onto the second subject.
The first one is the film isn't very clean and is somewhat jarring if you're paying attention for it but the second is near about invisible.

1 comment:

  1. The film is really good!! Very promising work and very well presented blogging! Well done!
