Thursday 22 January 2015

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Character analysis - Nigel

At the beginning of this sequence any recognizable features of the man are out of frame, only his hands in the white gloves which creates enigma around this mystery man as you cant even see his skin. The gloves suggest that the package is fragile and should be taken care of. This makes the viewer ask questions about what is inside the package and how much of an impact it will have on the story. We then see the man's face which shows his age and expression which is close to having no emotion, just complete focus in what's inside the package which increases the enigma of the package. His body language with the now revealed frame shows how much the package is precious to him. The POV shot looking at the showing where the package was sent from seems to change his mood as he sits down and takes off his glasses and gloves.He is represented as being weak because he breaks down at the end of this scene. His overall character doesn't seem too masculine suggested by everything determining his first appearance to the spectator. 

A few seconds later you see the female in the sequence, the girl with the dragon tattoo.This is a shorter part of the clip than the sequence containing the old male character. It is suggested that she is the protagonist of the film because the titles start when she enters the frame and the camera is tracking after her along a couple of shots which change the location but keep the same rough looking setting. She walks past a male which is shown to have no importance towards the film which only shows her higher importance to the film. The setting that the protagonist continues to walk through is in low key lighting and shows a dangerous setting at night alone suggesting to us that she is a strong female character as she is confident enough to defend herself from any threat. Her outfit can be misleading until she shows part of her face and hair to the camera as her outfit is typically masculine, the hood and dark colour.  The last scene of the clip, she is in a line with several other people but she is the only one in focus which suggests that she is different from the crowd also shown by her body language as she is sat lower than anyone else which could be making suggestions about her attitude. Compared to the old man, she seems a more typically masculine character out of the two because of how she is represented. 

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