Tuesday 2 December 2014

Preliminary Task Brief

Media Studies Foundation Portfolio Dec – Jan 2014-15

The Preliminary Task.
The specification states that this must be:
A continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.’ The sequence must last no longer than one minute.

This task should demonstrate:

  • Match on Action
  • Shot/Reverse Shot
  • The 180 degree Rule
You will also have to incorporate Music, Lighting, Dialogue and Sound effects into your film.
All filming must take place on campus.

Stage one:

Form a group of 3-4 students.

Stage two:

Create and set up the group blog assuring everyone knows the URL and password.

Posts ONE to FOUR

  1. A copy of the Preliminary task sheet.
  2. Explanation of the 180 Degree rule.
  3. Explanation of a Shot/Reverse Shot.
  4. Explanation of a Match on action.


Allocate tasks below to group members.
  • Camera operator
  • Filming responsibilities
  • Storyboard artist(s)
  • Location scout(s)
  • Prop manager
  • Casting director
  • Filming director

Stage three:

Post SIX

Upload the drawn storyboard

Stage four:


Record this in the blog under the title of Pre-Production planning
  • Identify coinciding free study periods on group member's timetables and plan to film
  • Agree on who is responsible for vrious aspects of Mise en scene
  • Organise all equipment
  • Conduct a risk assesment for the shooting location

Stage five:


Blog the evidence of the filming taking place (Images, video footage) and evaluate what went well and what didn't

Stage six:


Blog the evidence of the editing process (Images, video footage) that shows everyone in the group was involved.

Stage seven:

Post TEN

Blog discussion about sound editing (Music, dialogue etc.)

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