Friday 26 December 2014


The general plan for the lighting was to have a limited amount of it. The film has a very constricted start (in a corridor) which then moves into a tense conversation. One light source casting from one place would help to create the thriller sense we wanted to practice for the main, 2 minute thriller piece.
Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb
We used a compact fluorescent lightbulb with umbrellas and stand. The lightbulb itself is pointed into the umbrella, which can be either plain white or a reflective metallic. The purpose of the umbrella is to disperse the light of the bulb. Without this dispersion the light might not reach certain areas of the scene and consequently, some of the characters. We used the more reflective metallic umbrella as we found that with the blinds down on the windows and the interior lights off, there was nowhere near enough light for anything to be seen in the camera.

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